M | |
makeGridData | |
marginBottom, Legend | |
marginLeft, Legend | |
marginRight, Legend | |
marginTop, Legend | |
mark | |
markerOptions, Series | |
markerRenderer | |
markSize | |
max | |
methods | |
Methods, $.jqplot. | |
min | |
minorTicks | |
MIT License | |
moveBlock, $.jqplot. | |
moveSeriesToBack, jqPlot | |
moveSeriesToFront, jqPlot | |
N | |
name, $.jqplot. | |
needlePad, $.jqplot. | |
needleThickness, $.jqplot. | |
negativeColor, Series | |
negativeSeriesColors, jqPlot | |
neighborThreshold, Series | |
newTheme, $.jqplot. | |
noDataIndicator, jqPlot | |
numberColumns | |
numberRows | |
numberTicks, Axis | |
O | |
objects, $.jqplot. | |
offset, $.jqplot. | |
offsetBars | |
openColor, $.jqplot. | |
Options Tutorial | |
Options Usage | |
optionsTutorial.txt |
converts any arbitrary data values to grid coordinates and returns them.
$.jqplot.BezierCurveRenderer.prototype.makeGridData = function( data, plot )
converts any arbitrary data values to grid coordinates and returns them.
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.makeGridData = function( data, plot )
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.marginBottom = null
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.marginLeft = null
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.marginRight = null
CSS margin for the legend DOM element.
this.marginTop = null
tick mark on the axis.
this.mark = 'outside'
tick mark on the axis.
this.mark = 'outside'
renderer specific options to pass to the markerRenderer, see $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer.
this.markerOptions = {}
Renderer used to draw the marker of the highlighted point.
this.markerRenderer = new $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer( {shadow:false} )
Renderer to use to draw markers on the line.
this.markerRenderer = {show:false}
A class of a renderer which will draw marker (e.g.
this.markerRenderer = $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer
Length of the tick marks in pixels.
this.markSize = 6
Length of the tick marks in pixels.
this.markSize = 4
Maximum value on the gauge.
maximum value of the axis (in data units, not pixels).
this.max = null
Minimum value on the gauge.
minimum value of the axis (in data units, not pixels).
this.min = null
Number of ticks to add between “major” ticks.
this.minorTicks = 0
Number of ticks to add between “major” ticks.
this.minorTicks = 'auto'
Moves an individual block.
this.moveBlock = function ( idx, x, y, duration )
This method requires jQuery 1.4+ Moves the specified series canvas behind all other series canvases.
this.moveSeriesToBack = function ( idx )
This method requires jQuery 1.4+ Moves the specified series canvas in front of all other series canvases.
this.moveSeriesToFront = function ( idx )
Padding between needle and inner edge of the ring when the needle is at the min or max gauge value.
this.needlePad = 6
Maximum thickness the needle.
this.needleThickness = null
css color spec used for filled (area) plots that are filled to zero and the “useNegativeColors” option is true.
colors to use for portions of the line below zero.
this.negativeSeriesColors = $.jqplot.config.defaultNegativeColors
how close or far (in pixels) the cursor must be from a point marker to detect the point.
this.neighborThreshold = 4
Create a new theme based on the default theme, adding it the themeEngine.
$.jqplot.ThemeEngine.prototype.newTheme = function( name, obj )
Options to set up a mock plot with a data loading indicator if no data is specified.
this.noDataIndicator = { show: false, indicator: 'Loading Data...', axes: { xaxis: { min: 0, max: 10, tickInterval: 2, show: true }, yaxis: { min: 0, max: 12, tickInterval: 3, show: true } } }
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of columns in the legend.
this.numberColumns = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Maximum number of rows in the legend.
this.numberRows = null
Desired number of ticks.
this.objects = []
Pixel offset at the given shadow angle of each shadow stroke from the last stroke.
this.offset = 1
False will center bars on their y value.
this.offsetBars = false
color of the open price tick mark.
this.openColor = null