S | |
scaleToHiddenSeries, Axis | |
sectionMargin, $.jqplot. | |
series, jqPlot | |
Series | |
seriesColors, jqPlot | |
seriesDefaults, jqPlot | |
seriesLabelIndex, $.jqplot. | |
seriesToggle | |
seriesToggleReplot | |
setGridData | |
shadow | |
shadowAlpha | |
shadowAngle | |
shadowColor, Grid | |
shadowDepth | |
shadowOffset | |
shadowRenderer, $.jqplot. | |
shadowWidth, Grid | |
shapeRenderer, $.jqplot. | |
show | |
showBorders, $.jqplot. | |
showCursorLegend, $.jqplot. | |
showDataLabels | |
showGridline | |
showHorizontalLine, $.jqplot. | |
showLabel | |
showLabels | |
showLine, Series | |
showLines, $.jqplot. | |
showMark | |
showMarker | |
showMinorTicks, Axis | |
showSlice, $.jqplot. | |
showSwatch, Legend | |
showTickLabels, $.jqplot. | |
showTickMarks, Axis | |
showTicks | |
showTooltip | |
showTooltipDataPosition, $.jqplot. | |
showTooltipGridPosition, $.jqplot. | |
showTooltipOutsideZoom, $.jqplot. | |
showTooltipPrecision, $.jqplot. | |
showTooltipUnitPosition, $.jqplot. | |
showVerticalLine, $.jqplot. | |
size | |
sizeAdjust, $.jqplot. | |
sliceMargin | |
smooth, $.jqplot. | |
sortData, jqPlot | |
sortMergedLabels, $.jqplot. | |
stackedValue, $.jqplot. | |
stackSeries, jqPlot | |
start, Line | |
startAngle | |
stop, Line | |
strokeRect, $.jqplot. | |
strokeStyle, $.jqplot. | |
style | |
suffix, $.jqplot. | |
synchronizeHighlight | |
syncTicks, Axis |
True to include hidden series when computing axes bounds and scaling.
this.scaleToHiddenSeries = false
spacing between funnel sections in pixels.
this.sectionMargin = 6
Array of series object options.
this.series = []
Ann array of CSS color specifications that will be applied, in order, to the series in the plot.
this.seriesColors = $.jqplot.config.defaultColors
default options that will be applied to all series.
seriesDefaults: {}, series:[] }
array index for location of labels within data point arrays.
this.seriesLabelIndex = null
false to not enable series on/off toggling on the legend.
this.seriesToggle = 'normal'
True to replot the chart after toggling series on/off.
this.seriesToggleReplot = false
converts the user data values to grid coordinates and stores them in the gridData array.
$.jqplot.BezierCurveRenderer.prototype.setGridData = function( plot )
converts the user data values to grid coordinates and stores them in the gridData array.
$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.setGridData = function( plot )
whether or not to draw a shadow on the line
this.shadow = true
true or false, whether or not to show the shadow.
this.shadow = true
whether to show a shadow behind the grid.
this.shadow = true
transparency of the shadow (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
this.shadowAlpha = 0.08
transparency of the shadow (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
this.shadowAlpha = 0.07
transparency of the shadow (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
this.shadowAlpha = 0.07
Alpha channel transparency of shadow.
this.shadowAlpha = '0.07'
transparency of the shadow (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
this.shadowAlpha = 0.07
transparency of the shadow (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
this.shadowAlpha = 0.07
Alpha transparency of the shadow.
this.shadowAlpha = 0.07
Alpha channel transparency of shadow.
this.shadowAlpha = '0.07'
Alpha channel transparency of shadow.
this.shadowAlpha = '0.1'
Shadow angle in degrees
this.shadowAngle = 45
Angle of the shadow on the trend line.
this.shadowAngle = 45
shadow angle in degrees
this.shadowAngle = 45
Shadow angle in degrees
this.shadowAngle = 45
an optional css color spec for the shadow in ‘rgba(n, n, n, n)’ form
this.shadowColor = null
number of strokes to apply to the shadow, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 5
number of strokes to apply to the shadow, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 5
number of strokes to apply to the shadow, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 5
Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 3
number of strokes to apply to the shadow, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 4
number of strokes to apply to the shadow, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 5
number of strokes to make of the shadow.
this.shadowDepth = 3
Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 3
Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
this.shadowDepth = 3
offset of the shadow from the slice and offset of each succesive stroke of the shadow from the last.
this.shadowOffset = 2
offset of the shadow from the slice and offset of each succesive stroke of the shadow from the last.
this.shadowOffset = 2
offset of the shadow from the area and offset of each succesive stroke of the shadow from the last.
this.shadowOffset = 2
Shadow offset from line in pixels
this.shadowOffset = 1
offset of the shadow from the gauge ring and offset of each succesive stroke of the shadow from the last.
this.shadowOffset = 2
offset of the shadow from the slice and offset of each succesive stroke of the shadow from the last.
this.shadowOffset = 2
pixel offset for each stroke of the shadow.
this.shadowOffset = 1.0
Offset of each shadow stroke from the border in pixels
this.shadowOffset = 1.5
Shadow offset from line in pixels
this.shadowOffset = 1.25
Renderer that will draws the shadows on the marker.
this.shadowRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer()
width of the stoke for the shadow
this.shadowWidth = 3
Renderer that will draw the marker.
this.shapeRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShapeRenderer()
whether or not to show the tick (mark and label).
this.show = true
whether or not to show the tick (mark and label).
this.show = true
whether or not to show the tick (mark and label).
this.show = true
whether or not to show the tick (mark and label).
this.show = true
whether to show the cursor or not.
this.show = $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins
true to show the highlight.
this.show = $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins
whether or not to show the marker.
this.show = true
show the labels or not.
this.show = $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins
Wether or not to show the trend line.
this.show = $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins
Wether to display the axis on the graph.
this.show = false
Wether to display the legend on the graph.
this.show = false
whether or not to draw the series.
this.show = true
whether or not to show the title
this.show = true
True to draw borders lines between areas on the chart.
this.showBorders = true
Replace the plot legend with an enhanced legend displaying intersection information.
this.showCursorLegend = false
true to show data labels on slices.
this.showDataLabels = false
true to show data labels on slices.
this.showDataLabels = false
true to show data labels on slices.
this.showDataLabels = false
whether or not to draw the gridline on the grid at this tick.
this.showGridline = true
whether or not to draw the gridline on the grid at this tick.
this.showGridline = true
draw a horizontal line across the plot which follows the cursor.
this.showHorizontalLine = false
whether or not to show the label.
this.showLabel = true
whether or not to show the label.
this.showLabel = true
whether or not to show the label.
this.showLabel = true
true to show the axis label.
this.showLabel = true
true to show label for this series in the legend.
this.showLabel = true
True to show labels on bubbles (if any), false to not show.
this.showLabels = true
true to show the label text on the legend.
this.showLabels = true
whether to actually draw the line or not.
this.showLine = true
whether or not to show the mark on the axis.
this.showMark = true
whether or not to show the mark on the axis.
this.showMark = true
true to show the marker
this.showMarker = true
whether or not to show the markers at the data points.
this.showMarker = true
Wether or not to show minor ticks.
this.showMinorTicks = true
Array for whether the pie chart slice for a data element should be displayed.
this.showSlice = []
true to show the color swatches on the legend.
this.showSwatches = true
true to show tick labels next to ticks.
this.showTickLabels = true
Wether to show the tick marks (line crossing grid) or not.
this.showTickMarks = true
true to show ticks around gauge.
this.showTicks = true
Wether to show the ticks (both marks and labels) or not.
this.showTicks = true
show a cursor position tooltip.
this.showTooltip = true
Show a tooltip with data point values.
this.showTooltip = true
Used with showVerticalLine to show intersecting data points in the tooltip.
this.showTooltipDataPosition = false
show the grid pixel coordinates of the mouse.
this.showTooltipGridPosition = false
True will keep updating the tooltip when zooming of the grid.
this.showTooltipOutsideZoom = false
show the unit (data) coordinates of the mouse.
this.showTooltipUnitPosition = true
draw a vertical line across the plot which follows the cursor.
this.showVerticalLine = false
Length of the tick beyond the grid in pixels.
this.size = 4
Size of the marker (diameter or circle, length of edge of square, etc.)
this.size = 9.0
Pixels to add to the overall size of the highlight.
this.sizeAdjust = 5
angular spacing between donut slices in degrees.
this.sliceMargin = 0
angular spacing between pie slices in degrees.
this.sliceMargin = 0
True to draw a smoothed (interpolated) line through the data points with automatically computed number of smoothing points.
this.renderer.smooth = false
false to not sort the data passed in by the user.
this.sortData = true
True to sort tick labels when labels are created by merging x axis values from multiple series.
this.sortMergedLabels = false
true to display value as stacked in a stacked plot.
this.stackedValue = false
true or false, creates a stack or “mountain” plot.
this.stackSeries = false
Angle to start drawing donut in degrees.
this.startAngle = 0
Angle to start drawing pie in degrees.
this.startAngle = 0
[x, y] coordinates for the end of the line.
stop: [] }
true to draw shape as a stroked rectangle.
this.strokeRect = false
css color spec for the stoke style
this.strokeStyle = '#999999'
CSS spec for cursor style
this.style = 'crosshair'
One of diamond, circle, square, x, plus, dash, filledDiamond, filledCircle, filledSquare
this.style = 'filledCircle'
String to append to the tick label.
this.suffix = ''
Index of another series to highlight when this series is highlighted.
this.synchronizeHighlight = false
true to try and synchronize tick spacing across multiple axes so that ticks and grid lines line up.
this.syncTicks = null